->What is your strongest hunting quality?
Nick: I would like to think it's my ability to absorb hunting wisdom from experiences and other hunters. I spend a lot of time studying bird habits, reading everything on the subject, and listening to other hunters. The difference between a good hunter and a great hunter is that a great hunter never stops learning.
->What is your favorite piece of gear?
Nick: My favorite pieces of gear would have to be my duck calls. I am constantly practicing them wherever I can - in the house, the backyard, my truck while driving, I will even do it at the gas station or supermarket parking lot just to see the look on other people's faces. I would like to take this time to apologize to all the little old ladies I have scared half to death.
->What is the biggest sacrifice you have made to go hunting?
Nick: I skipped many friends' weddings because they scheduled their dates on duck opener. Sorry, but that's just sacrilegious.
->What is your best piece of hunting advice?
Nick: My best advice would be don't shoot the ROOST!!! When you see puddle ducks diving into a piece of water at sundown, do not get up in the morning and go sky bust the hell out of it. This will send a good concentration of ducks out of your hunting area. You are not only screwing up your hunting, but other people's set-ups that day in the area. If you are considering hunting in North Dakota, please take this advice.
->What is your favorite part about Duck Junkies?
Nick: My favorite part of Duck Junkies is getting to talk to equally afflicted waterfowl hunters. This is a great place to ask questions and get legitimately honest answers that will help you in the field or on the water. I have been waiting for a long time to find a place that wasn't full of limit-happy shooters always bragging about themselves, their dogs, their calling and the like. Duck Junkies is the place to be for down-to-earth waterfowlers.
Lastly if you are addicted to waterfowl hunting and need a place to get you fix, become a member of Duck Junkies you will not regret it!