Sunday, December 5, 2010
December: Jim Brooks, AL
Jim Brooks: Alabama Pro Staff
What is your favorite part of fowl hunting?
Answer: That is a hard question for me to answer. I love everything about this sport. But, if I have to pick my single most favorite, it would have to be Youth Mentorship.
There is absolutely nothing that I love more than introducing a youth to the traditions and heritage of waterfowling. Seeing the wonder and excitement in the face of a youth that just bagged their first duck is something that just can't be beat. To me, it's like stepping back in time and going on my first hunt all over again.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
August: Wade Calk, TX
Wade Calk
->What is your favorite part of fowl hunting?
Wade: Shooting birds is always fun but my favorite part is watching the world "wake up" from a duck blind. I travel for work in excess of 200 days a year so those mornings really mean a lot to me.
->What is your strongest hunting quality?
Wade: Being able to help others be successful. I really enjoy it when people get in touch with me needing advice on where to hunt, what gear they need, hunting regulations, or anything of the sort and
I'm able to pull it all together and find the information they need.
->What is your best piece of hunting advice?
Wade: Be safe!! Having fun is what we're all here for, but all the birds in the world aren't worth losing a friend to a senseless mistake. Show the kids how to do it right!!!
->What is your favorite piece of gear (not the most necessary)?
Wade: I have a beautiful double reed call that fellow Junkie Robert A made that is my absolute favorite. He's been blessed with a great talent and that call is going to be the last thing a few ducks ever hear!!
->What is the biggest sacrifice you have made to go hunting?
Wade: I don't hunt on Sundays. I've missed out on some really good hunts and catch a lot of ribbing for it, but that's my day to be with the family and go to church.
->Who got you started in waterfowl hunting (Or how did you get started)?
Wade: I've hunted birds for a long time but my closest cousin Greg is the one who REALLY got me into waterfowling. We still hunt together as much as we can, wherever we can.
->What is your favorite part about Duck Junkies?
Wade: It's great how a bunch of complete strangers, who share a common interest, are willing to share tips and information to help each other out. The talent within the Pro Staff runs deep and I'm humbled to be included in that group. Duck Junkies has the potential to be huge and I want to be a part of it!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
July: Brad Trainer, PA

July 2010 Featured Team Member
Brad Trainer
->What is your favorite part of fowl hunting?
Brad: My favorite part about fowl hunting is the way that waterfowl is hunted. There isn't too many animals that you can hunt and be able to chat, eat, and enjoy the outdoors right next to a few of you best buddies. Being able to share the same experience on any given morning with close friends or family is my favorite part about it.
->What is your strongest hunting quality?
Brad: My strongest quality that has to do with hunting is the general enjoyment i get during the preparation of a good hunt. The scouting, packing the trailer, getting equipment ready, etc. is something i enjoy so it doesn't ever seem like work to me. However, during the hunt my strongest quality would probably be calling ducks and geese.
->What is your favorite piece of gear?
Brad: My favorite piece of gear would be my Benelli shotgun. I have used that gun for everything from an oar to a prop to pull myself up a bank...and it has never failed me. An amazing hunt can be ruined by the failure of a gun, so i believe that having the most reliable gun you can is essential.
->What is the biggest sacrifice you have made to go hunting?
Brad: I am getting married next year so, ask me this question in another year and i might have a better answer. However, to date, I would have to say that the biggest sacrifice i have made for hunting was seven hours after my son was born i was sitting in my layout blind waiting for the birds. (I did get my fiance's permission though!)
->What is your best piece of hunting advice?
Brad: The best advice I can give is to be an ethical and respectable hunter. Unfortunatly, hunting fowl isn't a right, so treat the land, fowl, and sport with the utmost respect and raise our youth to do the same. Hopefully this sport we all love will still be available for our future generations to enjoy.
->What is your favorite part about Duck Junkies?
Brad: What I love about Duck Junkies is the interaction you can have with so many different people that have the same passion i have about hunting. It's awesome to be able to establish friendships with people all over the country and share different hunting stories. Not to mention the amount of useful information you can exchange on this site thanks to the hard work that Ryan and Sarah have put into it.
-> Who got me started in waterfowl hunting?
Brad: My father is the person who got me interested in waterfowl hunting, and hunting in general. Soon after i got my first hunting license, my dad took me on a duck hunt Thanksgiving morning on a creek a few miles from home. He let me do all the shooting, and I missed everytime. That is what started the obsession and a few years after that I saw a video of two guys goose hunting in a field and I was instantly hooked.
Being a member of the Duck Junkies Prostaff has been a great privilage for me. It is great to be able to represent a company that has such a huge desire to succeed and deliver an incredible website for others to benefit from.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
May: Nick Roehl, ND

->What is your strongest hunting quality?
Nick: I would like to think it's my ability to absorb hunting wisdom from experiences and other hunters. I spend a lot of time studying bird habits, reading everything on the subject, and listening to other hunters. The difference between a good hunter and a great hunter is that a great hunter never stops learning.
->What is your favorite piece of gear?
Nick: My favorite pieces of gear would have to be my duck calls. I am constantly practicing them wherever I can - in the house, the backyard, my truck while driving, I will even do it at the gas station or supermarket parking lot just to see the look on other people's faces. I would like to take this time to apologize to all the little old ladies I have scared half to death.
->What is the biggest sacrifice you have made to go hunting?
Nick: I skipped many friends' weddings because they scheduled their dates on duck opener. Sorry, but that's just sacrilegious.
->What is your best piece of hunting advice?
Nick: My best advice would be don't shoot the ROOST!!! When you see puddle ducks diving into a piece of water at sundown, do not get up in the morning and go sky bust the hell out of it. This will send a good concentration of ducks out of your hunting area. You are not only screwing up your hunting, but other people's set-ups that day in the area. If you are considering hunting in North Dakota, please take this advice.
->What is your favorite part about Duck Junkies?
Nick: My favorite part of Duck Junkies is getting to talk to equally afflicted waterfowl hunters. This is a great place to ask questions and get legitimately honest answers that will help you in the field or on the water. I have been waiting for a long time to find a place that wasn't full of limit-happy shooters always bragging about themselves, their dogs, their calling and the like. Duck Junkies is the place to be for down-to-earth waterfowlers.
Lastly if you are addicted to waterfowl hunting and need a place to get you fix, become a member of Duck Junkies you will not regret it!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
April: Cade Patton, TN

->What is the biggest sacrifice you have made to go hunting?
Cade: When I was a freshman in high school my mom told me I could not hunt the last weekend of the season. So Friday night I snuck out to my best friend’s house and we went to Arkansas for the weekend! I ended up grounded until the first of April -just in time for Turkey season! There was also a girl that said “if you go hunting instead of staying here with me I will break up with you”. I haven't spoken to her in 2 years! (Kind of heartless but the girls that date me have to realize nothing comes in between Cade Patton and duck hunting!)
->What is your favorite part of fowl hunting?
Cade: Watching the ducks work, and being with friends. To me there is nothing better then watching a group of mallards comes feet first into your decoys!
->What is your strongest hunting quality?
Cade: I would have to say my shooting but my calling also helps that. You have to at least get them close enough the gun can do its business and the closer the better!
->What is your favorite piece of gear?
Cade: My gun! Remington 870 super mag synthetic has lasted 10 years without a problem to date! I also shoot competitively during the summer which adds another 2000-3000 rounds to what i shoot in duck season. It is the best!
->What is your best piece of hunting advice?
Cade: Try, try again. You can't always kill them all but as long as you keep at it you can have fun! For 16 years I’ve hunted everyday I possibly can and it becomes more and more fun as i get older.
->What is your favorite part about Duck Junkies?
Cade: The staff members. Where else can you go to a website and ask a question and more than likely get an answer the next day? Best part is you don't even have to pay a penny to get your questions answered! The competition is far behind us here at Duck Junkies!
I would like to thank Ryan and Sarah Marrinan for all of their hard work going into Duck Junkies, the waterfowl hunting world is better off now with all of their dedication! The pro-staff as well I know I would not go back to a site if it wasn't helpful but the pro-staff here make even a new hunter feel welcome!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
March: Connor Stone, SC
Connor: My favorite part of fowl hunting is being out in the outdoors with friends and family and taking in all the great things that God has to offer!
->What is your strongest hunting quality?
Connor: My strongest hunting quality is being able to read ducks and know what type of calling/decoy placement as it is different in every situation and environment.
->What is your favorite piece of gear?
Connor: My favorite piece of gear would have to be my Zink call. Without it, I would be "fighting a loss cause" trying to bring in weary birds.
->What is the biggest sacrifice you have made to go hunting?
Connor: The biggest sacrifice I have made to go hunting was being late for a family event. Also, skipping countless number of household chores on any giving day.
->What is your best piece of hunting advice?
Connor: The best piece of hunting advice I can give which goes out to any kind of hunting is, be where the game wants to be. Not where you think they should be. Being at the right place at the right time is important.
->What is your favorite part about Duck Junkies?
Connor: The best part about Duck Junkies is having the opportunity to share stories and chat with other hunters across the nation that share the same passion as you do
Saturday, February 20, 2010
February: Daryn & Shane, TX
->What is your favorite part of fowl hunting? Daryn: Watching the birds work & My pup Avery enjoying the life!!
Shane: The camaraderie & Sunrises.
->What is your strongest hunting quality?
Daryn: I'm very avid & always ready to go!!
Shane: Knowing how to scout!
->What is your favorite piece of gear?
Daryn: I have two.... Of course my Berretta Extrema II & Maddog Ducks Unlimited 1200 thins. waders!
Shane: Winchester SuperX Magnum
->What is the biggest sacrifice you have made to go hunting?
Daryn: Leaving my beautiful wife & 6mth old little boy.
Shane: Lots of Lonely Girls!!
->What is your best piece of hunting advice?
Daryn: Be patient, don't stay on the call.. Sometimes less is best.
Shane: Three words... Scout Scout and Scout
*Our most valuable piece of advice... Shoot at the heads... And call at the tails!!